DECEMBER 10, 2005

Valérie Lessard
Le Droit

The Stairwell Carollers
Noël nouvelet ***1/2

This Ottawa Gatineau a cappella ensemble, directed by Pierre Massie, has between 20 and 25 singers. Since 1977, their repertoire has consisted mainly of secular and sacred music from the Renaissance and the Middle-Ages. Noël nouvelet is their fourth CD. The residence stairwells of Ottawa University, were where the carollers started, their voices blending with such finesse, and always with precise pitch. The group offers a varied repertoire in french, german, latin, even catalan amongst others, compiling tracks from their previous recordings to create a CD with 22 carols. Il est né le Divin Enfant, Stille Nacht or Dans le silence de la nuit are but some selections amongst Quittez pasteurs or Noël nouvelet, lesser known yet interesting melodies to discover: A Christmas album that gently embraces you in the spirit of the season.
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